Rogue waves can be as high as 80 feet tall, captains look ahead to sea forecasts and will not travel if these conditions exist...
- We've been hit by an "economic" rogue wave... we're all leading in a new reality as it's nearly impossible to predict what the future holds
- The "old normal" may not come back for a long time if ever
- Rough patches force new levels of courage and creativity, it's not optional anymore
- Prioritization and resource allocations get very focused
- Leaders were created for times like this, teams can form their strongest bonds in the hardest times
- What is coming out of you in these tough times that calm seas never bring?
- October, 2008, stock market dropped 1800 points, people starting losing their jobs in droves- When the wave hit, strategies had to change on a dime.
- In the hardest of times, what a great opportunity for the church to step up and step in to the crisis. Do we still believe the local church is the hope of the world?
- "Some of you have never been on the receiving side of giving... you may need to humble yourselves and be willing to be served."
- Is your church "being the church"? Are you stepping into this opportunity?
- As individuals and leaders of business, are we rolling our sleeves up to help more now than even?
- Willow has created margin before and after their services to help people relieve the added tension and stress they are feeling through worship, the arts, prayer... an added 5-20 minutes before and after the service
- Financial planning when revenue is going down while needs are rising is tough, the numbers don't add up...
- Jack Welch, "In a crisis, cash is king." All organizations need cash reserves to help buy "time" to make adjustments. 25% of annual needs in long term cash reserves, individuals 6 months of earnings
- Make 3 buckets, A/B/C... C- If your revenue dropped 50%, these would be the initiatives to go, Bucket B- 75% of revenue lost, what would go? Bucket A- The thing we would never stop doing...
- When cuts are made, try to give people to give months notice, not days... be generous in severance packages
- Willow budget standards: 50% of revenue to staff, 10% given away, 10% "wins of the spirit" flexible planning for budget changes mid-course , 15% ministry budgets, 15% facilities/utilities/debt service.... adjust accordingly
- People will still give money to a white hot vision... How's your vision? How are you communicating it?
- People will still be incredibly generous if you teach them, lead them, and cast the vision
- 2 Chronicles 16:9 God is looking for people that are "fully" for Him... He wants to use us and pour out His plan through us
- Are we creating working environments to fully allow our people to soar?
- "How the Mighty Have Fallen"- Jim Collins book..... How many absolute key leadership seat positions in your organization? What % of those key people are filled by those key people? What is our plan for filling the rest of those seats with those key people? Are we developing back-up positions for those key seats for those key people?
- How are you managing this new reality? Are you taking care of you? Can you sustain yourself at the current pace and pressure? How are you replenishing yourself?
- "The pace at which I'm doing the work of God is destroying God's work in me"- BH 20 years ago in his journal
- Romans 8:6 When you're in sync with the Spirit, you're full of life and peace.... Are you filled up?
- The more your tank empties, the more fallout that's happening to the people around you
- Who fills you up? Who depletes you? Fill your tank, hang out with "fillers"....
- "When I listen to God more slowly, he speaks to me more clearly"- BH devotional time
- The best thing you can bring to your team, company, organization, and family is a "filled up bucket"... What are your followers seeing from you these days?
- God is not done. Hold on to Him... he wants to do great things in our day and through your leadership.
good notes man! you must type faster than me ;-)
I was not able to attend the conference. Thank you for taking notes they were really helpful and insightful.
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