Friday, July 31, 2009

We Can Learn From Old People

Last weekend, I had a great opportunity to go on a Boyz Weekend Road Trip to a Tigers/Sox game and the Baseball Hall of Fame for the Induction Ceremony of the greatest player of all time, Jim Rice. OK, I'm biased.

The best part of the trip however was the chance to spend a weekend with three generations of Meyer's, most importantly, my Dad (pictured here named after Mel Ott).

On the way home, we had a chance to talk about what his legacy is, what matters, what he's learned... We all have a lot we can learn from the "experienced"...

  • Have a Foundation. My Dad has always been a strong, Bible-believing Christ follower. It's made decisions in his life easier as he's had a consistent guide of Truth. He's quite possibly the most faithful person I know.
  • Be Different. My Dad is an odd bird and he owns it (whether he knows it or not)... and it's good. God didn't use a cookie cutter when he created us, quit trying to be like someone else's crumbs.
  • Be Rich in the Things Money Can't Buy. I've only heard this 1,232,413 times in my life from my Dad but it's true. He doesn't have much money but he's got a warehouse full of relationships and purpose that is priceless. Choose people over possessions.
  • Retire and Expire. "Father" is still preaching and serving a church part time at age 72...his purpose isn't done, he is tracking to be "all used up" until the day he's called home...
  • Finish what you Start. Married almost 50 years, he's modeled commitment to his bride. (He did have it pretty easy though marrying the greatest woman in his generation). Whether marriage or sports teams, he's always modeled and taught to stick it out.
  • You can live a lifetime and never know who Madonna is. Yes, it's true, I don't think he knows. Along with Lost, Hannah Montana, and 93% of the other top cultural people or shows that exist today. You don't have to know what's up to make a difference...maybe we can spend less time trying to keep up.

My Dad has left his Mark... I hope to extend his lessons to future generations... And quite possibly, his greatest days are still ahead. He's a great man that I love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I met your dad. I think the Mel Ott thing was the first thing that came up hahaha. I know that I've learned alot from Mel over the past few years. One of the biggest things I love about Mel is he's always happy. DB....