Friday, August 7, 2009

Session 7: Chip & Dan Heath "Switch"

  • Chip & Dan Heath
    Books: Made to Stick, Switch

  • What needs to change in my organization? What stands out right now
  • We’ve all chosen change in our lives, why would we say we’re resistant to change? We chose to get married, have kids…
  • We face internal battles anytime we want to change….
  • John Hyde, “A human rider sitting on top of a 6 ton elephant… the rider and the elephant need to align for change to happen.” The rider has to convince the elephant there’s something worthy to change.
  • In talking to first graders, a vision, “If you work hard this year, I can make you as smart as a third grader by the end of the year…” Keep the vision tangible for the world your “elephants” live in…
  • If we have 9 ministries and 2 are working well, (5 are OK, 2 aren’t working)- focus on the top 2 that are working well and investigate… these are the things that produce a bright spot…. Study it and clone it.
  • Solutions oriented therapy: “What was different when things were going well? “ It shows we’re capable of doing really well- (In marriage, alcoholics, etc)
  • “All this stuff is true but useless”… In solving poverty, big problems, don't focus on the problems and issues, look at the places where success was happening...
  • One guy went into a village to see what was working with poverish families that were able to bring nutrition to their kids.... ultimately 2.2 million people were impacted with new solutions
  • Big problems.... steps of small solutions...
  • The "rider" can get bogged down in true but useless information. The "elephant" is unmotivated...
  • A high school student asked that people would spend 10% more of their budgets within their county/local economy... in Minor County, taxes increased 15 million a year later.... Small solution, big change
  • Shrink the change: Find one topic that can appeal to a 20-something scheduled at the right time... If you feel overwhelmed by a big problem, try to find small victories that show effectiveness and give us hope
  • We owe it to people to prepare them for adversity... prepare our team, clients, and people of what to expect
  • Company: Ideo U-shaped curve, project will start out with hope to fix a problem (on a high), a dip/valley is going to come called Insight (struggle), and end with a peak of Confidence on how we're going to move forward.
  • Tiger Woods made a decision to overhaul his swing even when he was already the best. Some people have a growth mindset. With work I can become a.... (fill in the blank)
  • Built into a growth mindset is a tolerence for failure... a necessary step to success... Failure is a necessity of success. "Failure could be a warning sign to success."
  • Thomas Watson, founder of IBM.... employee lost the company 10 million dollars... Employee was worried about losing his job... Thomas Watson said, "Are you kidding? I just made a 10 million investment in you!"
  • Find out what is the situation that is happening in people's lives rather than label them as "uncommitted", etc...
  • 63% of seminary students stopped to help someone in need when they thought they had time... only 10% when they thought they were running late for something...
  • Good leaders find ways to make it as easy as possible for people to connect... make it easy for the "elephant" by giving them a path that is downhill rather than uphill...
  • If you're married and have kids, you've already gone through bigger changes than anything we will encounter in the workplace or any big social issue you're looking to change.

1 comment:

Will said...

Great summary Mark - really enjoyed this topic as well. Thanks for blogging on it.