Sunday, February 17, 2008

Which Way Are Your Feet Pointed???

For those who go to Granger Community Church, we've heard again and again.... and again... to the point of rolling our eyes, and again... "which way are your feet pointed? If you take steps a particular direction, you'll eventually end up over there..." I love Mark Beeson, he's one of the top three leaders in my life.

Today I'm going through a process when I try to "point my feet"- I pray and I evaluate these questions in relation to God, my wife (Kem), children (Erin, Emmi, Easton), my career/work, my time and money, relationships, and my volunteer ministries:
  • Where do I feel out-of-balance right now? Am I spending more time on some activity or relationship that needs to change?

  • What are my gifts and talents? Am I using them? Could I be doing more with them? Am I using them effectively and thoughtfully?

  • How are my big three relationships right now? God, wife (Kem), and children (Erin, Emmi, Easton)? Am I prioritizing them well? What should I change?

  • Last week, last month... what time was wasted? If I could replace a few hours a week with a different activity? What would/should it be?

  • What's coming up that I need to prepare for?

  • Financially, am I making good decisions with giving, saving, investing, and spending? What goals do we have and how are we doing? (Am I being a good manager?)
  • Health- am I exercising and eating responsibly? Do I need to make any adjustments in my schedule to get the the gym more consistently? Am I getting enough sleep/rest?

  • Drama- How can I improve my skills? What are other ways I can be using this gift?

  • If I had a board of directors for my life? Who would be on it? Who isn't on it now that should be? Am I getting the input, accountability, and feedback I need to best be on purpose?

  • Do I have relationships outside of the "church bubble"? Who are they? Am I being purposeful in those friendships?

  • Am I passing time with my kids or am I being intentional with them? What do I need to adjust?
  • Is my faith growing or going backwards? What changes do I need to make?

I am going to be putting these on my whiteboard at home as I press through this today- From this I can write down my specific goals and begin rescheduling my time and reallocating my money. Typically I do this every six months or so with "tweaks" along the way... what questions would you add?

Pointing our feet is important. What's your plan? Do you write it down? Do you have people in your life you share it with?

1 comment:

Kristin Baker said...

Great Questions! I'm going to tweak this with names and specifics from my life and keep it on the fridge. What a great follow up to Mark B's convenience vs. consequence point this weekend. Thanks!