Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm ready to get to know my friends

Maybe I over-analyze, maybe I'm stubborn, maybe I'm just slow... While on vacation in Palm Springs, CA this week, I'm looking forward to getting to know my friends. All in my first day here, my blog, Facebook, and Tweeter accounts are officially launched... :)

In a few short hours on Facebook, I realize, I have 15 friends... I could be cool and act like it's nothing but a thing- but it fills my tank. My friends and my relationships matter... I feel loved. I love my life and I love doing life with you all...

My hope for us all is to "maximize" life here as it's so short. Let's not simply grow old, let's change this world. You (my friends) are my boardroom, my consultants, my team, my support... I can't wait to see how our stories play out!

1 comment:

Mark Meyer said...

Side By Side My Friend