Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Hey Leader, Just Give Up."

Proverbs 29:19 "Where there is no vision the people perish..."

Hey leader, just give up. Throw in the towel, raise the white flag, just quit trying so hard... After all, is this really worth it? Aren't you simply tired of taking arrows in the back from your own team? Hasn't it been long enough to try to change their minds or ways? For all the hard work you've been doing to try to help your organization with no one recognizing your efforts, really... just relax, go with the flow... you'll have less headaches and your days can be so much easier.

This emotion or a flavor of it enters my head weekly (or in tough weeks multiple times a day).

As I look at the leaders around me, addressing this thought in our minds head-on is one of the most critical components in our development as leaders. I believe this starts with wrong thinking.

Change from:
  • I can control when people will change or "get it"
  • Eventually if I say and do the right things, everyone will come around and align with the vision
  • I'm right, they're wrong
  • People will rally around me because of my title or position
  • I should only implement ideas that people agree with around me
  • I'm going to have a lot of encouragement along the journey
  • It's my job to correct people every time they say or do the wrong thing
  • It's just common sense
  • I should just fire people that don't get in line


  • I'm going to simply keep doing the right thing and make the best decisions I can
  • I may not get encouragement (even by those closest to me) and that's OK, the mission is worth it
  • I'm not always right, there's probably more to the story- seek first to understand
  • Normal is for people to care only about themselves, my role as a leader is to keep making it about others and to have my actions back up my words
  • Negativity, sloth, and status quo will always be a drag if I allow it, accepting it simply comes with the territory can allow me to keep my expectations in check
  • I can't control how or when people will change, I'm going to simply keep encouraging, lifting people up, and reminding them we are all meant for more
  • I can learn from everyone.... even the biggest challenges on my team
  • Common sense is not so common
  • Everyone needs grace, give it
  • Strong vision with right actions and words= More people (not all) getting it over time

And sometimes, we simply need a good meal and some sleep. Right thinking and perseverance... is it in your arsenal or is it a leadership lid? God has given us a vision and has put us where we're at with our current team. What thinking will we choose?

1 comment:

sherryLsmith said...

How appropriate! Today as I was heading to Target in a daze I waited on the road as an earth moving truck crossed by. At that moment, I (not seriously) considered giving up my leadership position at my church so I could have an easy life of driving an earth moving truck. No people. No parents. No kids. No classroom issues. I'm not seriously going to wave the white flag and quit, but I did think how easy it would be to have a different job - like the earth mover.

Then I read your blog for the first time. Thanks for your honesty. And you're right. I took the day off today and cooked, organized, and got a nap. It makes all the difference! Tomorrow is another day!
