Sunday, July 25, 2010

Maximeyer Has Moved!

Hello friends! The Maximeyer blog has now moved to and shifted from Blogger to WordPress.

Special thanks to Matt Metzger for moving all my previous blog posts and setting up the initial framework. I'm sure he'd take on a few more projects if you have a need.

None of this would exist if it weren't for my Maximizing wife (Kem) to surprise me with handling this entire project. :)

I'm looking forward to more conversations with y'all as we look to "maximize" our relationships, organizations, and purposes. Thank you for all your support these past few years!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Employee Junk Drawer

Everyone on your team can be and should be strategic to your organizational objectives. Period.

After meeting with a few of our key people and members of our Client Experience Team (they're much more important than simply calling them "admin"), I'm finding schedules and activities full of good, well meaning stuff but missing the mark strategically in their roles.

5 quick things:
  • Much of the stuff on your to be delegated to someone else list should simply go away. Don't push your garbage to someone else on your team.

  • Make sure everyone on your team understands the answers to these 3 questions:

1. What is our organization trying to accomplish?

2. What are the top 3 components of my role that best moves our organization to its goals?

3. What's on my plate now that doesn't have any effect on these top 3 components?

  • Most people on your team will need help in knowing what to stop doing and pruning their activities. Schedule a meeting with your team members to review their top 10 tasks and bring out the hatchet.

  • Sometimes the boss or owner is the biggest problem. People tend to "drop everything" when the owner speaks, your managers/owners may need some coaching on how they communicate their needs. (Yep, tread carefully...)

  • Good employees are artists at keeping (or looking) busy. Pull the plug, chop the list, and refocus the bullseye.

The Employee Junk Drawer: Busy activities that seem to be important, often delegated by others, but simply cause drag to your organization.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Great Employee

It's been said that one great employee is more valuable than three good employees. Agree?

We've got some great employees on our team, here are some of the lessons I observe from them:

  • Seek accountability rather than run from accountability. Good employees have good reasons why things don't get done.
  • Embrace Change. With good employees, you find yourself having invest more time to sell the change.
  • Understand the goals of the organization and align their activities to them. Good employees get a lot of stuff done, but regularly the wrong stuff.
  • Great communicators and fill in cracks within their teams. Good employees know their jobs pretty well but miss opportunities to keep others in the loop.
  • Have integrity and build others. Good employees have integrity and build themselves.

You probably know who these people are at your organization. Your stress level goes down when the walk in the room, they're a breath of fresh air, and you find yourself thinking he/she has it covered... Got great?

Sidenote: The "metrics" on this works as well... Think profitability over a fixed cost, not revenue.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fast Forward Change

You can't fast forward change in your organization. Well, you can but not without consequences. In the season of change we've been in lately, here are 5 lessons I've learned in the past few months:

  • The vision of where you want to be may be too much for your team to absorb in one setting, sometimes you need to think "bite sized" chunks when navigating change with your team
  • If key stakeholders are left without all the information, they can quickly feel like an outsider and shift into survival mode while filling in the blanks you're leaving
  • Have a clear message of the "win" in the change, be prepared to handle the "why" questions
  • Choose to collaborate vs. dictate on the options of change, usually there are a few different paths you can take
  • When roles and processes are fuzzy before the change, they'll be a flat-out blur afterwards... create plenty of space for conversations and clarifications before, during, and after the change

Chances are, for every hour you save trying to fast forward through change, you'll spend 2 hours on the backside picking up the pieces. So hurry up and wait for the process to works its way through...